
Yogurt Vacuum Evaporator


Yogurt Vacuum Evaporator; These are systems that aim to make milk more dense and concentrated by removing the water in its structure at a certain rate in order to increase the dry matter of milk. Falling Film and Climbing Film

Yogurt Vacuum Evaporator in Yogurt Production Technology

Apart from the yoghurt process line , Vacuum Evaporators are mostly used in the Milk Powder and Whey Powder Process, and in the production of Concentrated Milk, which is frequently consumed in the Middle East.

In concentrated milk production ; Milk, which is concentrated by evaporating a certain amount of water, is filled into metal cans or glass bottles and then sterilized, giving it a long shelf life of 3-6 months. It is a common practice to use concentrated milk when preparing coffee or cooking in restaurants or home kitchens.

Dairy main and by-products such as milk powder, Whey Powder, Caseinate production and lactose production are also concentrated through evaporators. By evaporating the water before the spray dryer, the dry matter ratio of the milk is increased to 50% or higher, and then the drying process begins. Removing the same amount of water from milk through spray dryers; Studies have shown that it is 8-10 times more costly than an evaporator. Evaporators have become an indispensable element of the powder process both to reduce production costs to more reasonable levels and to achieve a faster process.

The length and number of stages of the evaporator tower may vary depending on the feeding capacity and the amount of water that needs to be removed depending on the Inlet/Outlet dry matter ratios. While single-stage evaporators are also available in low-capacity processes, up to 7 stages are preferred .

INOKSPROM Yogurt Vacuum Evaporators; These are units used to increase the solids content by evaporating a certain proportion of the water in the yoghurt to be fermented under vacuum pressure.

The boiling temperature of water at sea level is 100 C. Raising the temperature of milk to 100 C to evaporate its water in order to increase the dry matter of the milk to be fermented into yoghurt will cause structural problems by damaging many components of high nutritional value in the milk composition, especially protein. In INOKSPROM Vacuum Evaporators; By vacuum applied to the calendria region where the milk water is evaporated, the pressure inside is reduced much below the open air pressure, thus reducing the evaporation temperature of the water to 55/65 C. They perform the function of evaporating the water by saving heat without damaging the milk components.

In order to design evaporators , the solid matter ratios of the product to be fed to the unit and the concentrated product desired to be obtained at the unit exit must be determined. Thus, the amount of water that needs to be removed is the determining factor in what size the Yogurt Vacuum Evaporator should be designed.

Yogurt Vacuum Evaporators; It is designed in different capacities, from single stage to 7 stages, depending on the rate of water desired to be evaporated per unit time. Vacuum evaporation process; It can be done in batch method in vacuum heating boilers, or continuously in gradual evaporators; It can be carried out with a faster process method with Falling Film Evaporators and Rising Film Evaporators , where continuous fluid milk inlet and concentrated milk outlet with a certain amount of water removed are realized .

Although the purpose of using Yogurt Vacuum Evaporators is to obtain a more concentrated product with increased solids content by removing a certain amount of water in the product; Due to the vacuum applied during evaporation, it also ensures the removal of bad odors transmitted to the milk from animals or other environmental influences. This makes it possible to obtain an improved end product with enhanced sensory properties.

WATER FLOODING CAPACITY 300 Lt-st 700 Lt-st 900 Lt-st 1500 Lt-st 2500 Lt-st
Material AISI304 SS AISI304 SS AISI304 SS AISI304 SS AISI304 SS
Steam Consumption 100 kg-st 230 kg-st 300 kg-st 500 kg-st 830 kg-st
Vacuum Pump 4 HP 5.5Hp 5.5Hp 5.5Hp 7.5Hp
Centrifugal Pump 2 HP 2 HP 2 HP 2 HP 2 HP
Number of Effects one 2 3 3 4



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