Since Yoghurt Production is a process technology born in our lands; Yogurt is an indispensable flavor for us. In addition to the fact that all the nutritional content of milk is completely transferred to yoghurt,the probiotic feature formed as a result of yoghurt fermentation ; This makes this unique product unique in terms of both taste and metabolism. The main factors that distinguish yoghurt flavor from other products are the aroma components acetaldehyde and acetic acid.

So how is yoghurt produced ? What are the stages of yoghurt production ?

Before moving on to the subject of yoghurt production , we would like to give you information about the types of yoghurt consumed in our country and around the world , and then talk about the yoghurt production stages of each oneseparately.

Yoghurt types in the dairy industry ; It can be expressed under the following headings, taking into account the yoghurt production technology and the structural/aromatic properties of the final product.

Creamy Yogurt (Village Yogurt)
Set Yoghurt
Stirred Yogurt
Swiss Type Yogurt
Fruit Yogurt Yogurt/Buttermilk Production Line Machines

Although different types of yoghurt differ from each other mostly due to certain process parameter variables and certain variations in yoghurt production stages ; We can list the general applications of yoghurt production technology and the yoghurt production machines used in these applications as follows .

Yogurt Production Stages
(1) Receipt/Cooling/Storage of Raw Milk: Raw milk arriving at the facility must firstbe passed through the Inoksprom Line Filter at the upper intake point and be cleaned of coarse dirt. Line filter pore size can vary between 300 and 500 microns. The use of duplex line filters in higher capacity milk intake units is beneficial in terms of continuity at this point. Milk after coarse filtering; If it will not be pasteurized and processed immediately, it should be cooled quickly and kept at a temperature range of 2-4 C. Whilethe cooling process can be provided in Inoksprom Milk Cooling Tanks , Inoksprom Plate Milk Cooling Exchangers enable a much faster and faster cooling process.

(2) Clarification of Raw Milk: Clarification is a process performed to separate foreign substances, visible impurities, body cells and leukocytes that may be present in the milk. Milk clarification process is carried out quickly by Inoksprom Milk Cleaning Separator/Clarifier . Milk clarification process; Applying the milk just before it is cooled helps to obtain optimum results.

(3) Pasteurization: Raw milk to be processed into yoghurt; First of all, it should be pasteurized in order to eliminate possible risk factors on human health, and in terms of business economy, taking into account both ensuring product stability and increasing efficiency. Pasteurization of yoghurt milk; It is carried out with Inoksprom Plate Pasteurizer units or Inoksprom Milk Cooking Tanks .

Pasteurized yoghurt milk; following pasteurization; It is cooled to 43-45 C, which is the fermentation temperature of yoghurt.

(4) Milk Standardization: Milk reaching the dairy farm is under the influence of many factors and has different protein-fat-water ratios on a weekly or even daily basis. These factorsare led by season, lactation process, feeding conditions and environmental factors . Fluctuations in the composition of raw milk as a result of these factorsalso cause different solids or fat ratios in the final product, yoghurt. Producers; It aims to provide production in standard quality and composition throughout the year. This is important to prevent both economic losses and loss of trust in the brand. For this reason, especially the fat and protein ratio in milk to be processed into yoghurt should be standardized.

Standardization of yoghurt milk should be considered from two separate aspects:

Milk Fat Standardization: Yogurt; It is offered to the consumer as fat-free, full-fat and semi-fat, depending on the fat content. In the production of full-fat yoghurt, fat removal from milk is not applied at all or partial fat removal is done and the fat ratio is standardized. Fat standardization process in yoghurt milk; This is done through Inoksprom Milk Cream Separators .

Yogurt Derivative Fat rate
Fat-Free Yogurt 3.5%

Solids Standardization:
The total dry matter level of the milk used in production is important in terms of the rheological properties (consistency, viscosity and serum separation) and aroma of the yoghurt. Therefore, the increase in total dry matter causes the consistency and viscosity of yoghurt to increase and serum separation to decrease. The total dry matter content of milk to be processed into yoghurt can vary between 14-18%.

Dry matter standardization of milk to be processed into yoghurt can be achieved by the following methods:

Boiling milk Yoghurt/Buttermilk Production Line Machines
Addition of skimmed milk powder
Addition of whey powder
Addition of buttermilk powder
Addition of casein, caseinate and co-precipitate
Ultrafiltration and hyperfiltration
(5) Homogenization : In addition to the formation of a stable and homogeneous structure in yoghurt, milk is homogenized at 65 C in order to prevent the yoghurt from releasing water, which is seen as a quality defect by some, which expresses the naturalness of yoghurt. With homogenization, the solid particles in the milk, especially milk fat and protein, are broken down into much smaller sizes and the product consistency is improved, the same sensory properties are achieved at every point, and the rough appearance often seen on the surface of yoghurt can be prevented. Homogenization of yoghurt milk ; It takes place through Inoksprom Piston Homogenizer / Milk Homogenizer .

(6) Yogurt Inoculation (Fermentation) / Incubation (Fermentation) : Yogurt milk pasteurized and cooled to 43-45 C ; The yoghurt incubation/fermentation process is started by fermenting the mixed strains obtained by mixing 50% of Streptoccocus thermophilus and lactobacillus bulgaricus cultures. The yogurt incubation process takes approximately 3 hours andtakes place in Inoksprom Yogurt Fermentation/Incubation Tanks.

(7)Yogurt Cooling/Filling : With the completion of fermentation, the milk changes from a fluid structure to a gel-like yoghurt structure as a result of the development of acidity; It becomes yoghurt. To end fermentation, the activity of starter culture bacteria must be terminated, so the yoghurt must be cooled quickly.

Yogurt fermented in the tank; It is cooled through the Plate Yogurt Cooling Exchanger or by cold water fed to the tank wall. In the first stage, cooling should be provided quickly to 20 C, or lower if possible. Afterwards, the filling process begins and the yoghurt is then taken to cold rooms to wait for the moment to be shipped.